How Your Roof And Attic Can Fight Your Cooling Efforts

When those hot months come, you want to be able to cool your home to the point of comfort without it costing you a huge amount of money on your energy bills. Some of the most common ways your house can fight your best efforts with regards to cooling it down is by your roof and attic working against you. This article will give you insight into the ways the roof and attic can be working against you, and will also give you tips on correcting the issues.

Saving On Heating Costs Within Your Business

If you own your own business, you are mostly likely looking for ways to cut expenses to increase your profit margin. Heating costs can be quite high when you have a large area to service and several employees to keep comfortable on a daily basis. Here are a few tips you can use within your business to help you reduce the amount you spend on your heating. Make Upgrades Continuing to run an old furnace or boiler system because you do not wish to pay for the cost of a new one can actually have you pay more in the long-run.

How To Fix Your Air Conditioner When The Outdoor Unit Won't Turn On

If you've triple checked your thermostat and replaced your air filter but your air conditioner still won't turn on, you may have to do a little searching to find the problem. This doesn't have to mean that your air conditioner is broken; HVAC systems have many components and safety features, and resetting some of these components can start your air conditioner working again normally. Searching for the problem also helps if you have repeated issues and need to call a repairman.

What To Do When Your Air Conditioner Isn't Working

If your air conditioner suddenly stops working in the middle of the summer, there are a few steps that you can take to troubleshoot the problem and keep yourself cool while you wait for a repair service. Troubleshooting Steps Before you call for a repair technician, you may want to try some troubleshooting steps. Switch off the breaker or shut off the furnace power, and then turn them back on in order to reset the power supply.

4 Ways To Save On Air Conditioning Energy Costs

If you're trying to keep as cool as possible this summer, you may consider running your air conditioner as much as possible. This can make it easy for your energy costs to skyrocket. Luckily, there are some tips that you can follow to help keep cool without breaking the bank. Take a look at the following information for some helpful tips on how to save money on air conditioning energy costs during the hot months.

4 Energy Efficiency Solutions You Can Add To Your Home Heating System

Heating is a major cost for many homes, which is why energy improvements are becoming more common. The energy improvements you can do for your heating system can include things like adding passive heating, using alternative energy or installing home automation thermostats. If you want your heating to be as energy efficient as possible, here are some of the improvements you may want to consider for your heating system: 1. Giving Your Home Passive Heating Solutions To Reduce Heating

How To Replace The Oil Filter On Your Furnace

Replacing the oil filter on your oil-burning heater is an important part of maintaining your home's heating service. Many homeowners fail to do replace their filters, or fail to do this often enough. To get the most out of your furnace, the oil filter needs to be replaced on an annual basis. Tools Needed To replace the oil filter on your furnace, you'll need the following tools: Can or tub Paper towels or newspaper Wrench Screwdriver Sponge Detergent Rag Process

Should You Call For An After-Hours AC Repair?

Is there an immediate home safety concern? In most cases, a broken AC system isn't a major concern for your home's safety. Simply turn off power to the system so the problem doesn't worsen until you are able to schedule a repair. If you smell a burning odor or hear popping or fizzing noises from the AC, there may be an electrical problem. Turn off the unit immediately and call a 24-hour emergency service technician.

Three Of The Most Popular Energy Efficient AC Systems And What You Need To Know

If you want to have an energy efficient AC, there are many options available, such as evaporative coolers, geothermal heat pumps and mini-split ductless AC units. All of these systems are different than conventional air conditioners and will reduce the energy consumption of your cooling. They are also good for different needs and you may want to know more to choose the right system for your home. Here are some of the things you may want to know about energy efficient AC systems:

3 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Company To Replace Your Air Conditioning Unit

As a homeowner, the time may come where you need to replace your HVAC unit. A new HVAC purchase and installation is not inexpensive, so it is worth your time to contact several air conditioning contractors in order to find the best company for the job. Ask the following questions before hiring an HVAC contractor: What Size Air Conditioning Unit Does My Home Need? Air conditioner technology has changed a lot in the past decade, so there is a chance that the size of your current HVAC unit is not the same size as the unit you need in a new model.