3 Reasons Your Furnace Only Blows Hot Air Intermittently

When you notice that your furnace is only blowing hot air intermittently, narrowing down the problem can be a little tedious, but the good news is that many causes can be quickly and inexpensively fixed. Here are three reasons your furnace might not be performing the way it should. 1. Furnace Is Overheating It might seem contradictory, but a furnace can overheat. When a furnace starts running too hot, it will shut itself off automatically to prevent any damage to itself or your home. [Read More]

Common Causes Of Furnace Pilot Light Problems

The pilot light is integral to your furnace's operation, which means any pilot light problem is a serious heating problem. Here are some of the common causes of pilot light issues: The Thermocouple Is Malfunctioning In most cases of inefficient pilot lights, the culprit turns out to be the thermocouple. The thermocouple is a metal strip that regulates the flow of gas into the furnace burners. It expands and contracts to allow gas flow to the burners when necessary and prevent gas flow to the burners if the pilot flame is weak or off. [Read More]

Cold Season Approaching? How To Get Your Heating System Prepared

Preparing your home so it will be ready to face the rigors of winter is always a wise decision. It's easy to become somewhat comfortable during the summer months because the weather is mild and you can get away with a lot. However, Old Man Winter can be harsh, and if the systems in your house go down you might be left in a very uncomfortable situation. Your heating unit might need to be tweaked in a few ways so it will be ready to keeping your family warm during the cold months. [Read More]

Did Your Funace Just Stop Working? What You Should Do

In the dead of winter when temperatures really start to drop, it's safe to say that you and your family would rather be huddle inside rather than bracing the cold outside. And because of that, you rely heavily on your furnace during the winter. If your furnace all of a sudden went out, then you may be wondering how you and your family are going to survive the cold temperatures. Don't worry: this article is just the thing for you. [Read More]