Stop Fearing High Heating Bills And Save Money

Did you know that your high heating bills may not have much to do with your furnace, but are really caused by problems around your home? If you are struggling to keep up with your high heating costs, or you are determined to get them down, there are a few things to consider. You'll want to talk with an HVAC contractor like Enright and Sons to have them do an evaluation of your home. [Read More]

3 Air Conditioner Repairs You Should Always Leave To The Professionals

Homeowners rely on a central air conditioning unit to keep the indoor temperature comfortable during those summer heat waves. You can improve the efficiency of your system with regular maintenance including changing the air conditioning filters, changing the batteries on the thermometer, and cleaning debris off the condensing unit located outside your home. But there are certain air conditioning maintenance and repair tasks you should always leave for an HVAC professional. [Read More]

Keep That AC Repair Person At Bay!

If you're a homeowner who relies on your air conditioner quite a bit over the summer or even throughout the entire year, you may have already found out the hard way that air conditioning repairs can be costly and a huge inconvenience for you and your family. If you haven't met up with your AC repair person yet, count yourself lucky. Either way, here are a host of tips to keep your AC repairs to a minimum, including a couple you probably haven't thought of. [Read More]

7 Options For Cooling Your Home

When your air conditioner stops pumping out cool air, it's only natural to want to get your system up and running again as quickly as possible. If you're happy with your current cooling system, a call to your local repair company can help you keep your cool. If you can tolerate the heat for a couple of days, you can also treat this event as an opportunity to make sure you're using the best possible cooling method for your home. [Read More]